"To take a photograph is to align the head, the eye and the heart. It's a way of life." Henri Cartier-Bresson
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Documenting my daily life in photographs.

Photographic prints

Prints of my work are available at http://katieshires.redbubble.com/

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Camille's Appeal 2012 Calendar

So, all you organised people, already looking for next year's calendar, look no further!  2012's Camille's Appeal calendar is available to order now, featuring a selection of beautiful images from some very talented photographers (and me!).

Camille's Appeal is a fantastic charity set up by the parents of a beautiful little girl diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2009.  The charity raises money for children under the age of 5 who are suffering with a brain tumour, trying to find ways to ensure that the long-term effects of treatment are minimised to allow the child to lead a normal life.

You can find out more about the charity and about Camille herself here: http://www.camillesappeal.co.uk/

There are 2 formats available: a slimline layout or an A4 layout.

They are for sale via ebay, where you can also purchase Christmas cards designed by the extremely talented artist Nicki MacRae.

Calendars - buy here (£5 and £8 + p&p)
Christmas Cards - buy here (£5 for 10 + p&p)

Here is a sample page from the A4 format:

and a slimline sample: