Day 34 - Harmony
I can't really play it very well, but I love the battered up old case and the retro feel of it.
Day 33 - Pretty new dress
I went into town at the weekend just to get some new leggings, and ended up coming home with a couple of new purchases (whoops!)
One of them was this dress, which I thought was too pretty to resist! Now I need to go somewhere nice so I can wear it.
Day 32 - SploshI tried water drops a while ago and was a bit rubbish, so I've been planning to have another go for my 365. I've seen some amazing water drop shots on here, and I really haven't a clue how to get anywhere close to that!
I ended up taking loads of shots tonight, and did really struggle with the focusing, but I did find out that this is another rather addictive type of photography.
Anyway, this was the best I managed out of the set. Still not great, but it'll do for today.
Day 31 - Bakeh This week's theme for Camille's Appeal group is bokeh, so I thought I'd have my first attempt at shaped bokeh. I even bought a craft punch especially for the occasion - and baked some cakes (well, I fancied making them anyway!)
Please do check out the group and post any of your own bokeh pictures there this week, and more importantly, have a look at the appeal website and see if there is any way you can help this very brave little girl and others like her.
Day 30
Looking for inspiration for today's shot, I found some stinky garlic in my fridge!
I'm looking forward to the spring coming properly, as I'm planning on growing lots of lovely things in my vegetable patch, and think I'll have a go at growing some of my own garlic amongst other things.
Day 29 - Night Lights
I was in town this evening, so thought I'd have a go at a couple of long-exposures. I didn't get many I liked - this one's a bit messy - but it was good fun trying.
Being in town on a Friday night with a camera, with lots of late-night drinkers around, is always interesting. Particularly interesting when one man walked past and took his trousers down whilst walking in front of my camera. Needless to say, I didn't click the shutter release at that moment!
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