Day 63/365
Day 62/365 - Mix it!
Day 61/365
Day 60/365 - Happy St David's Day

I did daffodils yesterday, so my alternative St David's Day themed photo was either Welsh Cakes or a leek (imaginative, aren't I?). I'm trying to be healthy at the moment, so I thought I'd lay off the cakes.
Day 59/365 - Spring Joy

Yay! The daffodils are out! They really sum up the joy of spring, even though it is still dull and raining, it's so joyful to have a bright splash of colour.
For this week's Camille's Appeal theme of 'Joy'.
Day 58/365 - Afternoon Light
Day 57/365 - Speckled Eggs

Yum yum yum!
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