"To take a photograph is to align the head, the eye and the heart. It's a way of life." Henri Cartier-Bresson
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Documenting my daily life in photographs.

Photographic prints

Prints of my work are available at http://katieshires.redbubble.com/

Friday, 7 May 2010

365 days project - week 18

Yikes!  This project is getting hard!  It was Bank Holiday weekend, and I had a lot of fun, but found it hard to squeeze in my photos or do anything even vaguely creative.  I really need to get back on track!

Day 126 - Who will it be?

Election night tonight!

I've been to cast my vote and will be watching the results eagerly.

Day 125 - Pamper time

Another manic day at work, then running around most of the evening, so a bit of a rushed shot tonight. Anyway, my Bodyshop order arrived today, so I can't wait for some serious pampering!

Day 124

Day 123 - Cake, the answer to all life's problems

After a rather heavy weekend, the only solution on a Bank Holiday Monday is a big, fat carrot cake to get me back on my feet!

Day 122

Last night was a rather heavy one. I'm getting too old these days, and tend to suffer so much the next day. All I can manage to do is have an early night with my book and some music.

Day 121

I love the flower shops in the Covered Market. They've got all these pretty things for the garden hanging up outside, and it just looks so cute!

Day 120
Look who was lurking on my patio. I think he came to tell me it was going to be a wet Bank Holiday weekend :(


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