"To take a photograph is to align the head, the eye and the heart. It's a way of life." Henri Cartier-Bresson
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Documenting my daily life in photographs.

Photographic prints

Prints of my work are available at http://katieshires.redbubble.com/

Saturday, 21 August 2010

365 days project - week 33

Got back from my holidays with a bit of a bump this week!  The South of France was glorious sunshine from morning to night every single day.  Oxfordshire is not quite the same this week; it has been grey and miserable with plenty of rotten rain showers since the minute I stepped off the plane.

So, not the most inspired photos this week, but I'm going to Ireland for a few days next week, so to inspire me to make the most of those heavy grey skies, I treated myself to a grey grad filter.  Expect lots of moody landscapes to come (and possibly some serious lust for a proper wide-angle landscape lens)!

Day 231 - What's in your bag?

It's a pretty grim day outside and I'm rather lacking inspiration, so I thought I'd have a go at one of these shots.

Not the most exciting handbag contents, but I have a good clean out as often as I can as I can't stand having junk in my bag.

Day 230 - Chocolate courgette cake

Still got lots of courgettes to use up, so I thought I'd give this recipe a try.

The verdict is that it's pretty delicious!

Day 229 - Rain rain go away!

Day 228

I had to send my iphone away today to be repaired as it's having problems getting a decent reception.  In return, I have been given this ridiculous plastic toy phone which I HATE!!  I keep pressing the wrong buttons, none of my contacts have copied across so I keep having to check my ipod to get anyone's number.

I would love to smash it up and I can't wait to get my real phone back.

Day 227

My beautiful boy loves watching a bit of TV.

Day 226

My brother looked after my dog whilst I was away so I popped out today to get some of his favourite coffee eclairs as a thank you.

Day 225

Another iphone shot which I will upload as soon as I've got my phone back.


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